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Showing category "Birds" (Show all posts)

Spring Is Here!

Posted by Joan Wallner on Friday, April 25, 2014, In : Birds 
This week, a few spring photos. Enjoy!

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A mallard duck flying through cattails. View larger photo here.

I walked right by this Great Horned Owl, not seeing it even though I was looking for it!
As large as these owls are, they sure blend in with their surroundings. http://ow....

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Posted by Joan Wallner on Thursday, April 10, 2014, In : Birds 
Gotta love this photo of a Red Bellied Woodpecker taken at Bear Lake, Minnesota!

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White-Breasted Nuthatch

Posted by Joan Wallner on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, In : Birds 
The nuthatch is one of those birds that is so mesmerizing when you watch them "crawl" up and down a tree, practically hanging upside down while looking for bugs to eat off of the tree.

Here's a white-breasted nuthatch from Bear Lake, Minnesota, who grabbed a little bite to eat from a bird feeder and flew to a nearby branch to eat it.

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Petey the Pileated Woodpecker

Posted by Joan Wallner on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, In : Birds 
Ever since learning there was a woodpecker larger than the red-headed woodpecker, which at that point in my life was the only woodpecker I had paid much attention to, I've tried to locate and photograph the Pileated Woodpecker.

They are very elusive and it seemed I was never in the right place at the right time. They always seemed to show up just before sunset when the light wasn't to my advantage, which makes for one blurry photo.

So here, are two pics of the Pileated Woodpecker (aka Petey, a...
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